Blues Don Music Company
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Blues Don Music Company
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Music Player
{"songs":[{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Crazy Woman", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/crazy-woman", "cartUrl":"……", "more_info":""[True Story - only a little poetic license]: One night, as I came off the stage after a set at JJs, San Jose; a young woman had bought me a drink. She seemed nice and was easy to look at. We talked \u2018til I had to finish the show. Halfway through the lset she gave me a note, saying she had to go home, but she and would \u201ccall sometime\u201d. She called at 5AM that morning. The story goes downhill from there."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Take my Blues to Town", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/take-my-blues-to-town", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""When the Blues finds you, you gotta do something to beat the stress. If you have a means to make music, you go where you can play - and sing - and maybe even make a little money doing it. Hopefully, you choose a place where it\u2019s still legal."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Alone in My Room", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/alone-in-my-room", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""ALONE IN MY ROOM: You've made a big mistake in a relationship and pondered about it long after it was over. But, when you realize what a fool you were, it\u2019s too late to go back. Many have been in that situation."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Come with me, Baby", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/come-with-me-baby", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""A tribute to the great Bill Broonzy about love, trust, taking on one\u2019s demons and finding a love that you can skip town with."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Played Too Much", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/played-too-much", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""Even with all the accusations, the moaning and crying and you leaving me; the fact is I wasn\u2019t messing around at all, this time. I was just playing my guitar."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Hey, Lil' Mama", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/hey-lil-mama", "cartUrl":"Hey! Lil' Mama", "more_info":""I was playing at a club every Saturday and group of young girls and guys would come in every week. One of the girls was beautiful and said she went to El Camino. Being in a bar, I assumed she was college girl \u2013 but she was a sophomore at ECHS. However. when the old manager [who was allowing the kids to come in] \u201cmoved on\u201d; we were \u201cdownsized\u201d by the new management and I never saw the young girl again, until 20 years later. We\u2019re together now - that part of my life is grand."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - My Good Woman", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/my-good-woman", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""My woman did everything for everybody and got zero in return. I set out to get her away from ALL that stress. The task is still in progress. But I\u2019ve completed enough of it to be able to tell my \u201cbrothers\u201d how to get started."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Chicken", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/chicken", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":"": \u201cA man has needs, may have good Chicken at home, but every once in a while, wanna get him a po\u2019k chop\u201d. Well, I don\u2019t need that, brother. My \u201cperfectly good chicken\u201d is too good to mess up."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Love Menu Fool", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/love-menu-fool", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""Ever been with anyone who, from the start just played you for a fool ? Even after it\u2019s over, you still wonder if they had that in mind from the beginning - like you were advertised in some way, as a fool; like a \u201cBlue Plate Special\u201d, in restaurants of days gone by."", "image":""},{"title":""Gino Baronelli" - Police in Centerville", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/music-player/police-in-centerville", "cartUrl":"…", "more_info":""In a small community in Fremont, CA,; I was on the street, a week after most of the East Bay passed anti-homeless laws. I made many friends and acquaintances on the street and shared their plight. Had an \u201cinteresting\u201d relationship with the Centerville Police - we had \u201cconversations\u201d on a daily basis."", "image":""}]}
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